e-mail: palmer.sarahL@gmail.com

I am so pleased to continue to serve our community on the Zone 7 Board. It is my priority and passion to be on the front lines as we face increased demands and unique challenges to ensure a safe and reliable water resource. With climate change and decreasing water resources, it is important to develop a diversified portfolio of water resources and updated infrastructure. I am honored to now serve as President of the Zone 7 Board of Directors. Also as President of the Board of Directors for the Delta Conveyance Design and Construction JPA, I plan on helping see this project through the EIR process to lay the groundwork for construction of a much needed project that affects over 27 million people in California. I chaired the Delta Conveyance Stakeholders Engagement Committee to bring high transparency to the Delta Conveyance Project planning process. Representing Zone 7 in ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) I participate in several key committees and workgroups and on the Board of ACWA Region 5. Safe and affordable drinking water for all Californians including for Disadvantaged Communities is a priority. With Rotary International I am involved in projects to build water and sanitation infrastructure in Haiti. Our goal is to make our water resources able to meet our urban and agricultural needs into the future.
Here are some great resources to keep up to date on California Water issues
I didn't quite reach my funding goal so if you want to contribute, go ahead!